WeLcoMiNg SpeEcH

WeLcoMe to mY bLog gUys....
tHis bLog is LikE mY diaRy. You caN vieW it aNd posT coMmeNt. giVe me a sugGesTion, compLaiN, or pRaise to maKe mY bLog beTter cZ i'M jusT a huMan wHo neVer seParaTe wiTh mistaKes n d' peRfecTness is jusT coMe fRom THE GOD ALMIGHTY...eNjoy my bLog..!!!

Hey... Wassup..?

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009

a stoRy abouT "fRiends"

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend.

you're my friend and that is true,
but the gift was given from me to you.
we went through moments that were good and bad,
even moments that were happy and sad.
you supported me when i was in tears,
we stuck together when we were in fear,

its really sad that it had to be this way,
but it has reached its very last day.
miles away cant keep us apart,
'cause you'll always be in my heart.

My Friend when I think of you.
I think of all that we've been through.
All the times we argue and fight,
I know deep inside that it isn't right.
I, then feel bad and a lot of pain.
It feels like I've fallen from the sky like the rain.
I love you dear friend with all of my heart.
But now that you're gone I've fallen apart.
I'm getting better as the days go by.
I wish sometimes this was all a big lie.
I pray to you every night.
It's like you're my fire, a burning light.
My dear friend, I miss you a lot.
I still wonder why you were put in that spot.
I know you're in a place much better than here.
Watching and helping me with all of my fear.
Our friendship my dear friend,
we will have to the end.
Friends till the end is what we will be.
Someday we'll be together,
together you and me.

Make new friends
But keep the old
One is sliver and the other gold !

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

DenGarkaN cuRhaTkuw...

Hari saBtu kMaren tgL 6 Juni 2009 aQ jTh saKit. aQ jga gAg tW aQ saKit aPaan. KatAx aQ di saMbaR ma maKhLuk haLus aLias SETAN... maLem miNggu aQ maNk gy seDih n maRah cZ aQ puX masaLah kLwaRga n masLah di skuLah... tiBa2 aQ naNgis gaG tW naPa... LaLu aQ gaG bZa meRasakaN sLuruh tubUh aQ. aQ muLAi sesAk naFas tak saDaRkan diRi. tMendh kMar aQ segeRa meManggiL guRu saYa daN meNgobaTi aQ. tMendh aQ neLpon ke oRtu aQ tp meReka gy di Makassar. Ortu aQ puN segeRa keMbaLi ke Parepare. tP kaRna pRjalaNan LaMa, jd tAnte aQ yg memBwa pLg saYA duLuan. KeesoKaN HariNya, saYa dibaWA ke oRang piNtar dan kaTAx aQ di gEssa2 ma maKhluk haLus. sKaRang aQ daH seMbuh aLhamduLillah...


pernahkah kau bicara tapi tak didengar
tak dianggap sama sekali
pernahkah kau tak salah tapi disalahkan
tak diberi kesempatan

kuhidup dengan siapa ku tak tahu kau siapa
kau kekasih ku tapi orang lain bagiku
kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu

kau tak butuh diriku aku patung bagimu
cinta bukan kebutuhanmu

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kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu

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Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
qUw adLh aNak bungsu dR 3 b'saUdaRa. otomatis qUw yg pWaLing di cHyNk...heheHew...qUw oRgnya aLways aPPy, suPeL, n goKiL... qUw peNgen ngebaHagiaiN sMua oRg yg Quw kNaL...

BestFrieNd is...???

mY beLOVEd scHooL...SMAELY

mY beLOVEd scHooL...SMAELY