WeLcoMiNg SpeEcH

WeLcoMe to mY bLog gUys....
tHis bLog is LikE mY diaRy. You caN vieW it aNd posT coMmeNt. giVe me a sugGesTion, compLaiN, or pRaise to maKe mY bLog beTter cZ i'M jusT a huMan wHo neVer seParaTe wiTh mistaKes n d' peRfecTness is jusT coMe fRom THE GOD ALMIGHTY...eNjoy my bLog..!!!

Hey... Wassup..?

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

Go gReeN pRoJect

f you are like me then you care about the planet. If you care about the planet then you should GO GREEN! A couple reasons to go green that I will tell state in this paper are Switching to low-energy Fluorescent light bulbs, and why, when you are done IM-ing don't leave an away message, and if you need to replace your existing desk top-it purchase a laptop instead.
In your home do you have a lot of lighting fixtures? DO you leave lights on all the time? Do you leave a room and don't turn off the lights when your done in there? WELL DON'T DO IT ANY MORE! You are wasting energy that can be saved and it will reduce your electricity bill. One other way of saving energy is to Switch from incandescent light bulbs to low-energy Fluorescent light bulbs. The low energy bulbs last up to 5x longer then the incandescent light bulbs. So make sure to switch the lights!
In your home is there a computer? If there is then don't leave the room and leave it alone and on when it is supper time turn it off when you get your five minute warning so you have time to wash up for supper with out worrying if someone or something will mess with it. If you leave an away message then kids or siblings can send something weird to a friend then that friend will be mad at you the next day and you don't know why. You can also save money and electricity by TURNING OFF THE COMPUTER! So remember to turn the computer off when you are done.
Mom can I have a laptop? I'm almost sure you have heard it or said it before, so here is an argument that can help you out. For the energy it takes you to use a desk top you can use two laptops which are portable and easier to use. You can take them on the bus or at a restaurant while you eat and not rush because you have to work on the desk top at home. You have to spent more money on the lop tops but you also need to save energy and the earth. So tell every one you know to GET A LAP TOP!
Think about it, if everyone turned off lights when not in use, changed to Fluorescent light bulbs, turned off computers instead of leaving them on stand by or replaced their desk top with a lop top, the money and energy they would save would make our planet a whole lot greener. GO GREEN AND SAVE THE PLANET.

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pernahkah kau bicara tapi tak didengar
tak dianggap sama sekali
pernahkah kau tak salah tapi disalahkan
tak diberi kesempatan

kuhidup dengan siapa ku tak tahu kau siapa
kau kekasih ku tapi orang lain bagiku
kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu

kau tak butuh diriku aku patung bagimu
cinta bukan kebutuhanmu

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kau dengan dirimu saja kau dengan duniamu saja
teruskanlah teruskanlah kau begitu

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Parepare, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
qUw adLh aNak bungsu dR 3 b'saUdaRa. otomatis qUw yg pWaLing di cHyNk...heheHew...qUw oRgnya aLways aPPy, suPeL, n goKiL... qUw peNgen ngebaHagiaiN sMua oRg yg Quw kNaL...

BestFrieNd is...???

mY beLOVEd scHooL...SMAELY

mY beLOVEd scHooL...SMAELY